The ENDO 8-week Blueprint program is to take radical ownership over your health as a diabetic.

The next round starts 11th of August

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Feel energized because you have a systemized diabetes blueprint.

Become insulin sensitive through a diabetes-friendly lifestyle.

Make leveraged diabetes decisions so you can worry less.

Break the pattern of losing weight and then regaining it.

Stop paying too much money for your medical supplies.

Evolve your leadership as a perfectly imperfect self.

You have come far as a diabetic or caretaker.

The hardest part of your journey
is behind you, truly

You're on a mission to take control of your diabetes but you are craving accountability and community to help move you toward your goals.

You have a burning desire and willingness to be better than you were the day before.

You have an open mind and heart, and you are ready to prioritize yourself.

But after a lot of googling + educating yourself, it's hard for you to bring everything together and apply it to your own physical & mental health

You feel the voice beckoning you from the depths…

Is this going to last?
What if I am different than other diabetics?
How do I make sure this is sustainable and I’m not just a one-hit wonder?

Get Started

Endocrinologist Blueprint

We built this program for you.

So that you feel courage in your understanding towards your physical vitality and mental peace. This program is built for you to leave the ''Why Me?" mentality and connect with other diabetics all over the world who are looking for a change.

The encouragement will make you feel guided and supported throughout the whole process.

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This is about unlocking your potential.
Bringing all the pieces together.
Enhancing how you live your life.

Welcome to the ENDO Mastermind

The 6 parts of the Diabetes Blueprint

These are the parts what you should have taught upon diagnoses

A blueprint for improving blood sugars
Get personalised step-by-step support for bettering your A1C and Time in range. By having in-depth strategies you'll learn to improve your blood sugars in a sustainable way that you can use long after the ENDO program ends
The toolbox to identify patterns.
Gain clarity around insulin resistance, hormones, diet, and fitness affecting your blood sugars. You will learn how to listen to your body VS telling it what to do
Tools to establish a healthier relationship with your perfectly imperfect self
Become a courageous diabetic and reduce your fear and anxiety around when things can go wrong. Learn to understand, and how to treat yourself in the best way possible
Mental Diabetes Health
Learn to make your inner critic your best friend so that you live up to your full potential! We guarantee you that other areas outside your diabetes management will improve moving forward because of this work.
Thriving community experience.
A container for like-minded people with diabetes to come together and bond over their challenges and growth. When the ENDO ends, you still have access to our community.
Full Ownership Over Diabetes & Service
You don't need to rely anymore on  health care professionals to take care of your diabetes. You now have a diabetes endocrinologist blueprint in place and you're fit for service

This is what is included

8 weeks of group coaching + community
Join for two months of coaching, guidance, and accountability, getting direct coaching while connecting with other diabetics just like you.

60 Minute Zoom Calls
8 LIVE group coaching calls taking you through the ENDO programming and 2 additional 1:1 calls

Support between the calls
Join for two months of coaching, guidance, and accountability, getting direct coaching from us while connecting with other diabetics just like you. We've included 2 additional 1-1 sessions with Ermo
Lifetime Access to the Vault
We equip you with some of the best resources necessary to make sure you feel supported + succeed in reaching your goals. While you’re in the bootcamp, you’ll have access to additional video trainings and supplemental guides description

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How we can help you

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How we can help you

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How we can help you
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